More Evidence That Patient Blood Management Programs Improve Patient Care

November, 2018; Australia: A review of over 230,000 surgical patients provides compelling evidence that Patient Blood Management programs are associated with improved patient survival along with reduced complications and shorter hospital stay.

The research, published in the Annals of Surgery, is the first to systematically review and combine the results of studies around the globe investigating the impact of Patient Blood Management programs on patient outcomes. Read Full Article.

Commenting on the review, Prof Axel Hofmann, an IFPBM Board member and Scientific Associate, said: “This study provides high-level scientific evidence confirming that Patient Blood Management is the new standard of care”. 

The review included data from the internationally acclaimed Western Australia Patient Blood Management Program. That landmark study reported fewer deaths and complications, shorter hospital stays, and substantial cost savings with program implementation. Co-author of the current systematic review and co-designer of the Western Australia Program, Mr. Shannon Farmer, added: “The results of this review add further weight to the Australian Patient Blood Management Guidelines’ recommendation that healthcare services should establish multidisciplinary, multimodal Patient Blood Management programs”.