Network with IFPBM

The International Foundation for Patient Blood Management is the world focus for knowledge pertaining to Patient Blood Management knowledge. The Foundation provides the knowledge and resources to assist health professionals, patients, and administrators understand and implement Patient Blood Management successfully.
How to Network
Contribute to PBM Research
As a part of our charter, The International Foundation for Patient Blood Management seeks ways to further knowledge on Patient Blood Management. If you or your organisation is interested in helping, please get in touch by completing the form on this page.
Meet PBM Speakers in Person
Reserve the world’s leading Patient Blood Management speakers for your next conference or event. The IFPBM Speaker’s Bureau details the speaker’s qualifications and areas of expertise. Fill out our confidential speaker enquiry form, and we’ll put the speaker in direct contact with you.
How to Assist Financially
The International Foundation for Patient Blood Management is a not-for-profit foundation supported entirely by subscriptions and voluntary donations from individuals, companies, and other institutions.
As an individual, you can support the Foundation’s work by becoming a Subscriber to this website. Your annual subscription gives you access to Premium Content areas and provides valuable support for the Foundation’s ongoing work. Click here to become a Subscriber.
Individuals or organisations can make a direct donation to the International Foundation for Patient Blood Management. To make an enquiry regarding a donation, please complete the form here.
Sponsorship allows flexibility in the type and timing of support given to the Foundation. To make an enquiry regarding becoming a Sponsor, please complete the form here.